Dental Phobia - Overcome Your Dental Fear With Pure!

Worried, scared, terrified? You are not alone, at Pure we have looked after the full range of emotions felt by people just like you. We help you overcome your fears, so you can have that beautiful smile you have always wanted.


Dental Phobia - Overcome Your Dental Fear With Pure!

Worried, scared, terrified? You are not alone, at Pure we have looked after the full range of emotions felt by people just like you. We help you overcome your fears, so you can have that beautiful smile you have always wanted.


Finance options available. Terms and conditions apply.

Overcome Your Fears & Anxieties With Pure

Talk with one of our friendly team members who will get to know you as a person, before listening to your dental concerns and talk to you about how we can help you.

Sometimes just from our team listening and you taking your time is enough to get past your fears, we will never rush you or your treatment.

We also have the availability to offer our patients Intravenous Sedation with one of our highly trained dentists which will relax you and eliminate your anxiety.

Pure is the only dental clinic in Cornwall to offer sedation with a consultant anaesthetist, we really are capable of making your whole dental journey as comfortable as possible.


To find out more information

Call a member of our Welcome Team on 01872 222404 who will listen to your needs and answer any questions you may have about dental phobias or the fear of visiting the dentist. You can also check out our informative blog post "How to overcome dental anxiety".

dental phobia certified


START Your Journey in Overcoming Your Dental Fears With Pure

You are not alone, at Pure we have looked after the full range of emotions felt by people just like you.

We can help you overcome your fears, so you can have that beautiful smile you have always wanted.